NuWeigh JAC424
NuWeigh JAC425
- 152mm dial
- Capacities 5 kg – 100 kg
- Top and bottom ‘S’
- 190mm dial
- Capacities 200 kg x 1 kg
- Heavy duty design
Rinstrum HS
OCS Fishing Scale
- Live weight and hold function
- Capacities 150 kg or 300 kg
- Rated fittings
- Trade approved
- Compact design
- Cast housing
- Manual hold function
- 30, 60 & 150 kg capacities
NuWeigh JAC757
Kelba KOCS
- Wireless remote with display
- Capacities 1 tonne to 10 tonne
- 40mm LCD display
- Includes second battery and charger
- Industrial weighing
- Capacities 3 tonne to 20 tonne
- LCD display with backlight
- Wireless remote